Tuesday, 8 November 2011

This picture is showing a person in hospital and a cast all over his  body apart from his head , this is showing you to always wear a helmet when riding a motorbike or push bike.

This picture is advertising a headphone company , with the man in the picture it shows that the headphones are really good and cant hear nothing apart from music when you have them on as you can see from the picture.

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Advertising Mark Scheme

1) Create a NEW POST on your blog entitled "Advertising Mark Scheme" and copy and paste the following information into the post. Click on Publish.

A: Wording and images are CREATIVE and EXTREMELY APPEALING to a SPECIFIC audience. The final product is EXTREMELY APPROPRIATE and PROFESSIONAL and shows an EXCELLENT LEVEL OF TECHNICAL SKILL. The audience know EXACTLY WHAT TO EXPECT from the product. MANY CONVENTIONS have been used

B: Wording and images are IMAGINATIVE and MOSTLY APPEALING to a SPECIFIC audience. The final product is VERY APPROPRIATE and MOSTLY PROFESSIONAL, and shows a VERY GOOD LEVEL OF TECHNICAL SKILL. The audience have a GOOD IDEA OF WHAT TO EXPECT from the product. MANY CONVENTIONS have been used.
C: Wording and images show SOME IMAGINATION and have SOME APPEAL to a SPECIFIC audience. The final product is MOSTLY APPROPRIATE and shows a GOOD LEVEL OF TECHNICAL SKILL. The audience have SOME IDEA OF WHAT TO EXPECT from the product. SOME CONVENTIONS have been used.
D: Wording and images show UNDERSTANDING of the product and TRIES TO APPEAL to an audience although perhaps unsuccessfully. The final product is QUITE APPROPRIATE and shows a BASIC LEVEL OF TECHNICAL SKILLS. The audience have SOME IDEA OF WHAT TO EXPECT from the product. SOME CONVENTIONS have been used.
E: Wording and images show SOME UNDERSTANDING of the product but have LITTLE APPEAL to the audience. The final product is only PARTLY APPROPRIATE and shows LITTLE TECHNICAL SKILL. The audience have LITTLE IDEA OF WHAT TO EXPECT from the product. VERY FEW CONVENTIONS have been used, IF ANY.
2) Next you need to start creating your own advert in Photoshop (you came up with the idea before half term). This is for coursework and everyone should be aiming to meet the requirements for at least a C grade. You will only have 2 lessons to complete your advert. When you want to save your advert, make sure you save it as a Photoshop document (not as a JPEG) in the following way. Go to FILE - SAVE AS - MY COMPUTER - MULTIMEDIA - STUDENTS - PHOTOS - MEDIA STUDIES - WRITE - YEAR 9 MEDIA STUDIES
If you save it as a Photoshop file you will be able to edit it again in future lessons. IF you save it as a JPEG you will lose all your layers and will be unable to edit it again in future.

Monday, 31 October 2011

History For Advetising

Click to show "whats my line " result 11). In 1951 the first tv filmed was whats my line in July 16.

2).However, TV industry trade body the Satellite and Cable Broadcasting Group forecast that the move would cost £80m a year in advertising revenue and could force the closure of some smaller channels.
The committee believes that ITV would be able to increase ad revenues by £30m to £55m a year if it was free to drive harder bargains with advertisers.

The company said television advertising has fallen by almost a third in real terms over the last decade, as a result of declining demand for terrestrial airtime and economic pressure on marketing budgets.
Researchers calculated that the cost of 30 seconds of television advertising now costs just £4.81 per thousand adults. When adjusted for inflation, this is 29pc cheaper than the peak year of 2000.


Monday, 10 October 2011

How I Am Being Marked

Media Level Ladder

Tuesday, 20 September 2011


Introduction: my page about teenagers is how they can be good and bad and not all thugs and how they are diffrent in tv programmes and moveis.

The InbetweenersThe Inbetweeners is a group of teenagers that are funny , dumb , do stupid stuff e.g smashed up there neigbours front garden with a golf club because they were drunk. But they are nice boys.

Click to show "x-factor" result 7

The X-Fctor is a show that lets teengers shine to show that they aint all bad also Britians Got Talent . They are two programes that are open for teenagers also adults but it is good for teenagers to show we are not all bad which is a popular show.

Click to show "bbc three" result 9

Under age and pregnant is a show on bbc three it is about teneagers under the age of 16 being pregnant but they come across popular for being pregnant at such a young age.

Click to show "no smoking " result 5

Teenagers are also bad for smoking at such a young age some 12 and even younger which could become very ill but they become across popular and powerful
and think they are hard.

Click to show "teenagers in prision" result 3

Teenagers also arebad not all good as you can see in the picture there are teenagers with hoodies in gangs and most teenagers in prison for carrying knifes dealing drugs and even smoking it.

Kidulthood  is a 2006 British Drama film about the life of several teenagers in Ladbroke Grove and Latimer Road area of inner west London.
For example in Kidulthood the boys take a hanbag. Also take alot of drugs.

Monday, 12 September 2011

Case Study Research

1. It was set up rupert murdoch in Australia in 1979 it has grown and is now the senond largest media conglomerate.
2. It dosent just have newspapers it also cover website magazines also tv channels.